Monday, December 10, 2007

Lesson Plan for Writing

Instructional Plan for: Writing with an Idea in mind

Subject: Writing Date: December 11, 2007

Grade Level: 1 Teacher: Amanda Wilson



1. 1. The student understands and uses a writing process.
• 1.1 Pre writes to generate Ideas and plan writing.
• 1.6 Adjust to the writing process as necessary.

3. The student writes clearly and effectively
• 3.1 Develops ideas and organizes writing
• 3.3 Knows and applies writing conventions appropriate for the grade level

Lesson Objectives:
Give direct instruction and guided practice for understanding of how to write with an idea in mind. The teacher will write an example story on the board, the story will be about a class experience. Students, as a class, will participate in formulating illustrations ideas for the story written. Students independently will think of an idea and then write about and illustrate their idea during quiet writing time.

Plan for Remediation:
Teacher will be available during quiet writing time to help those students who may be struggling or have further questions. A visual example will be posted on the board for reference.

• Formative: Students will be called upon during direct teaching to help add illustrations to the story (participation is expected). Teacher will listen and watch for non verbal queues that students understand the writing process. Students will also write their own story with detailed illustrations.
• Summative: Each student will complete a story with detailed illustrations that will be turned in for evaluation. They will be evaluated on how well they grasp the “writing with an idea in mind” concept as well as how well they followed directions.
• Student self- reflective: Students will journal about how they felt about the writing exercise. Was it a good method for them or did they struggle? They will then share their journal response with a family member.

Accommodations’ for learning styles:
Visual: many visuals will be used throughout the lesson:
• Teacher will write her/ his story on the board so students can see it.
• Teacher will illustrate story on the board.
Auditory: verbal instruction, directions and example given aloud.
Kinesthetic: students will move to the carpet for instruction and learning.

Classroom Characteristics:
Classroom set up: tables set up in rows, 4 large tables on each side of the room.
Materials: writing worksheets for students, crayons and pencils for students, white board and dry erase markers for teacher. For this particular lesson since it is not in normal classroom teacher will also need behavior management materials, red, yellow and green rockets, marbles and marble jar.

Behavior Management:
0-1 warning= Green rocket
If students remain on green all week they receive a “green all week” certificate to take home on Fridays.

2 warnings= yellow rocket
Students will owe 5 minutes of their recess to discuss their choices, and a note will be sent home for their parent to sign.

3 warnings= red rocket
Students will owe their entire recess to discuss their choices, and a note will be sent home for their parent to sign.

Group rewards: For good group work, which includes following directions and working together, a group marbles to go in the marble jar, the marble jar is a jar that the class keeps, when the jar is filled to a certain line the class can earn prizes and parties.

Family interaction: Students will share their journal response about the lesson with a family member.

Anticipatory Set/ Introduction and review/ tie into past learning: 3 min
• Students will move to the carpet

• Tell students what they will be learning about today, how to write with an idea in mind.

• Read story “David goes to school” so students can see how to illustrate their ideas.

• Remind the students about some of the ways they have written before- ask them questions about different ways they have written and how they formulate their ideas.

Check for understanding: this will be included in teaching steps.

Teaching steps: 8-10 min
• Read: Read story aloud, “David goes to school.”
• Ask/ Check for understanding: Ask students questions about how the pictures go with what the author is writing- ask while reading the story.
• Explain: Tell students that you will teach them the approach to writing with an idea in mind.
• Demonstrate: Teacher will demonstrate how to write with an idea in mind. First, teacher will think of an idea by closing his/her eyes. Once the teacher has her/his idea they will say, “I got it.” Then the teacher will write a short story, story should be something the class has experienced together. The teacher will tell the class they are going to draw pictures to go along with each part of their story. Draw the first couple pictures. Then ask the class to help you.
• Ask/ Check for understanding: Ask students to give you ideas of what else you could draw to illustrate your story. Once your story is fully illustrated ask the students, “Do you see how I’m putting the whole story into my pictures?”

Closure: 3 min
• Check for understanding: Make sure the students understand what you have demonstrated.
• Give direction: Tell students that they will be writing their own stories using the “writing with an idea in mind method.”
• Tell students to go back to their seats.
• Once they are at their seats pass out writing worksheet, crayons and pencils.
• Tell them to start off by closing their eyes and thinking of an idea. Once they have their idea in mind then they can start writing!

Independent Practice: 9 min
Helpful idea: play relaxing music quietly while students are writing.
• Quiet writing time: students will get time to practice the writing process they learned. Teacher will walk around and check their progress. The teacher will also be available for questions and further explanation.

Closure: 1-2 min
• Reward class if they had good behavior during writing time!
• Tell students to put away their worksheets. If they are done they can turn them into you, if not they can continue tomorrow!!


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