Sunday, October 21, 2007

k12 Conference- "Oodles of Google"

I listened to "Oodles of Google" by Sharon Betts.

The information was very useful. The presentor went through five steps on how to create an online presentation or report using google. I was not aware of all the different applications google had available. I thought it was very useful and something that I would love to utilize in the classroom. I don't think 1st graders would really understand how to use it, but this would be a great tool for middle school and up. Using google you could do reasearch through notebook and save/share things in your notebook. After doing your research you can upload that research to google docs. You can create a presentation and also use page creator to allow students or teachers to access your presentation. I really enjoyed learning about this, the presentor was very good and very informative when presenting. She went through each step with the viewer and showed you exactly what to do. I will definetly utilize this tool!

Link to "Oodles of Google"

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think that is really cool! So - what the presenter was saying was basically that there is a way to take information researched online through Google and save it, not haveing to copy and paste to Word, etc.? And then students can access that information in another Google program and use it for study purposes and/or presentation references? That is really neat. I know that your grade level probable would not be able to utilize it, but houw would you suggest it be used in, say, my 12th grade English class? Do you think it could be a useful tool?