Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What are issues with the internet?

1st grade issues:

cyber bullying
can't read
system not compatiable with home system
internet predators
don't know the basics of computer use
exposed to inappropriate websites on accident
recieved inappropriate emails or messages

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Hey Mandy. I just wanted to make a quick comment on this entry, becasue I hadn't thought about a couple of the concerns/ isses that would apply to an elementary classroom working online. Internet predators and cyber bullying are two very common issues that I had not thought about when doing this assignmentand are very danderous.
Do you think that school security programs could create a filter that would not allow students work or information to slip out of the system while they were working on line?
I know that my teacher's in school were concerned about these issues as well and had a program in which whatever page the teacher was working on, the students computers were all on that same page, but each student could work individually. Do you think that this may minimize these instances?
Well, I hope the week has started off on the right foot. See you ic class tonight.