Thursday, October 25, 2007

Assignment #3- Technology Integration

Lesson plan link: Family Interaction Plan/ About Me

I love the idea of using technology in a lesson. I find it a little challenging sometimes with my students because they need so much help using it. I came up with the idea of having my students and their families create a webpage using page creator. Since my students will be creating a project that tells the class about them I thought it would be great to give them the option to create that project online with thier families.

1. The only tools needed for this project would be a computer and parental supervision/help.

2. The technology would completely change the learning environment. The students would learn how to use technology and how to be creative when they are using it.
The students could also present their projects to the class using the overhead projector.

By adding technology to this lesson I feel it takes an expressive project and helps to make it a learning project as well.

3. Some of the challenges for my students will be their ability to use a computer and all the tools on page creator. They will need alot of supervision and help from their parents, that is why I made the project optional. They can create the project for extra credit.

4. "The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to create, to perform, and to respond effectively to the arts."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[url=]Prostect confezioni[/url]

Appreciate it. Numerous content!