Monday, September 17, 2007

Technologically Literate

I believe that technology should be used in the classroom. Today's society depends so much on the use of technology. For example, we depend on technology when we are learning. We use discovery and email to communicate assignments. If we did not use technology in our own education it would make learning more difficult for us here at Northwest. I believe technology does aid learning. We are examples of that. Technology aids teachers in the teaching process, therefore it aids the students they are teaching. Students today also are very technological. They live technology. They have cell phones, computers, IPOD's, palm pilots. They can easily relate to technology. Students learn best by what they enjoy and by what is familiar to them. Therefore, it is almost crucial in today's society to keep up with technology and use it in the classroom. However, I don't believe all technology aids learning. For example, I don't believe the use of cell phones in the classroom would aid the learning process. Although, I do feel technology as a whole is a good thing and can significantly improve learning.

Students today use a wide range of technology. Most students ranging from elementary school to high school use cell phones, computers and IPOD's on a daily basis. Most students also access websites like myspace, or facebook on a daily basis as well. I think it would be great to incorporate these elements into the classroom. I personally, depending on the age range, would try to incorporate computers and websites like facebook and myspace. For example, you could have students set up their own website about a subject they enjoy or about a particular topic you are researching in class. This would help to integrate what they enjoy into their education. Students could also be allowed computers in class to take notes or work on a project.

I would put the classroom in which I am observing under tier 1, observable and best practices. The teacher uses technology to get the job done. The teacher uses an overhead projector,a classroom website, email and organizes information like grades, etc on a personal computer. I noticed that the classroom lacks technology. It is a first grade classroom, but I could see where some technology would fit. If I were to add some things to her classroom I would add a computer lesson for the students, an assignment that involves using the computer, and a new overhead (one with a camera rather than a light).

GLE Arts Grade 4- The GLE requires that students acquires skills necessary to create, to perform, and to respond effectively to the arts. 1.1- To understand and apply concepts and vocabulary to communicate ideas: Identify different multimedia forms used to produce and present works of art: graphics, photography, animation, moving image, audio and video. For this specific standard I would first teach students about the information. I would teach them about art and how to create and perform works of art using technology. I would then require the students to choose a specific technological representation of art, graphic, photography, animation, video, audio, and create their own. For example, a student could create a video and use their computer, or compose a song.

GLE Reading Grade 4- The GLE requires students to understand and use different skills and strategies to read. 1.5- Use features of nonfiction text and computer software: Recognize organizational features of electronic information such as pull- down menus,key word searches, icons, etc. For this specific standard I would teach a basic computer lesson.

GLE Communication Grade 4- The GLE requires students to communicate ideas clearly and effectively. 2.5- Effectively use action, sound, and/ or images to support presentations: Experiment with a variety of media and resources to convey a message or enhance an oral presentation. For this specific standard I would first teach the students about the different ways to use technology to communicate. For example, power point, websites, etc. Then I would require the students to make a website where they would communicate information about a certain topic or make a power point presentation communicating information about a topic.

1 comment: said...

It's all happening. I am a student and have studied at various schools and the amount of dependance on technology is really phenomenal. Of course, being only 20 years old, I've grown up surrounded by computers that advance so quick they're obsolete in six months. Maybe there's something wrong with the fact that I can't even imagine going on without my cell phone or my iPod or my laptop, but then again, the times they are a changin'. I agree with your post. Reality agrees with your post. Try and picture the effect of technology on education in ten years. Twenty years. I can't.

-mike (i am randomly visiting blogs)